Have no fear of Kefir

Kefir. It might be a name you’ve heard once or twice lately – you may have seen it in the grocery store or read about it in a magazine. Yes, all the fine print and grandiose marketing text covering the bottle look and sound intimidating, but have no fear! Kefir products sold today are one of those “new craze health foods” that actually taste great!

So, what is kefir? We see kefir marketed as a probiotic, yogurt-like beverage; but in reality the actual drink being sold is a milk product fermented with kefir grains. Thus, kefir is a grain that is indigenous to Russia, and, because of its naturally occurring probiotic properties, is considered an excellent health food. The kefir grain is not such like those with which we are familiar, like wheat grains; rather, it is a unique bond of bacteria, yeast, protein, sugar, and fat which together form grain-like cultures. These “grains” are then fermented with milk to create the drinkable versions of kefir that we see in stores today. The probiotics and bacteria found in kefir are far more abundant and potent than those found in regular yogurt products, making kefir the beverage of choice for healthy digestive and immune systems. As with all yogurt products, kefir is likewise fortified with fruits and sweeteners and some vitamins for additional health benefits.

Because kefir drinks are fermented with milk, they have a slightly carbonated taste and viscosity, but it is not so much that the effervescence is unpleasant. Not only do kefir drinks provide an excellence source of calcium, vitamin D, protein, and digestive-friendly bacteria, they also contain significantly less lactose than other milk products. During the fermentation process, the lactose sugars in the milk with which the grains are fermented are mostly converted into lactic acid, reducing the amount of lactose sugar in the final product. This can be beneficial for those who have trouble digesting common dairy products, like me!

Lifeway is one of the most popular brands of kefir products. In addition to making a variety of delicious, creamy flavors, like strawberry-banana, cappuccino, mango, and coconut (to name just a few), the company also makes several other kefir products, like Frozen Kefir, BioKefir, and Probugs. Check them all out on Lifeway’s official website.