Three supplements every human would benefit from

Three supplements every human would benefit from

People often ask me about supplements – what’s good to take and what’s not really worth the trouble?

Everybody’s body is different and needs and absorbs nutrients differently, so there’s no one-size-fits-all fix.

However, there are a few supplements I believe every human would benefit from:

  1. Vitamin D3 – Vitamin D3 is the most bio-available form of Vitamin D and is essential to a whole host of bodily functions, including bone health, brain function, and immunity, and unless you’re a professional surfer and practically live outdoors, you’re most likely deficient in Vitamin D. Our bodies are amazing because they make just the right amount of Vitamin D when our skin is exposed to the sun. Just fifteen minutes in the sun without sunscreen is the ideal prescription for daily dosage. But, when we can’t get outside, like in the cold, winter months, or if our bodies don’t produce Vitamin D efficiently, we should take Vitamin D3 supplements. My following recommendations should do the trick: 1,000 IUs daily or 5,000 IUs once weekly.
  2. Probiotics – I can’t stress the importance of gut health enough! The majority of your immune system lies within your gut, so when your internal plumbing is out of whack, the rest of your body will be compromised. Building healthy gut flora is key to not only aid in digestion, but also boost your body’s defense mechanisms and nutrient absorption. If you’re not used to taking probiotic supplements, start with a low-dose count, like 1,000,000 cells. Find a quality brand like Flora Health that has a combo of lacto and bifido bacterias.
  3. Omega 3s – I’m a huge fan of Omega-3 fatty acid supplements! We can’t get enough Omega-3s from our diet, and it’s so important to get enough of these essential fatty acids to balance out the ratio of Omega-6:Omega-3 we get from our food. Both are essential, but too much Omega-6 fatty acids leads to inflammation. Omega-3s are comprised of important hormones DHA and EPA, both of which are crucial to hormonal health. Quality is crucial, so brands like WHC Uno Cardio or Nordic Naturals are great options. If you are vegan or just not crazy about fish-sourced Omega-3s, you can still get Omega-3s straight from the original source: algae! (Secret tip: this is why fish are rich in Omega-3s)