Three supplements every human would benefit from

Three supplements every human would benefit from

People often ask me about supplements – what’s good to take and what’s not really worth the trouble? Everybody’s body is different and needs and absorbs nutrients differently, so there’s no one-size-fits-all fix. However, there are a few supplements I believe every human would benefit 

Brief life update: Beautycounter

Brief life update: Beautycounter

I am excited to share that I am Beautycounter consultant! By the much-needed encouragement from my dear friend Kristen and full support of my amazing husband, I decided to become an ambassador for the incredible brand. I launched my Beautycounter site on January 1 of 

What’s with the title?

What’s with the title?

You may be wondering why my blog is entitled “Noodles Knows,” so I figured I should enlighten you on the matter. I guess I forgot that not everyone is aware of my family’s continuing inside jokes… we certainly have quite a few. For as long 

busy, but still writing

busy, but still writing

Obviously I haven’t been diligent about blogging, but that’s because I have been busy burying myself in textbooks and school papers, and working of course. The life of a college student is not always one big party, at least not for me. While in school 

my first blog

my first blog

My name is Mandy and I may be two months shy of 20 years old, but I know food. I am very fortunate to have been raised by two parents who are self-proclaimed foodies as well. My dad, a former caterer and chef at heart,