Month: April 2024

Mama’s meatloaf

Mama’s meatloaf

Mama’s meatloaf sounds like a hand-written family heirloom recipe passed down through generations; a tattered, sacred, grease-splattered note with words written in such fine cursive it’s almost impossible to read. Well, I’d like to tell you that were true here, but in this case, I’m 

Pork carnitas

Pork carnitas

My family loves Mexican-inspired food, and you know me, I’m all about simple and slow-cooking. These pork carnitas are another simple meal for Mama to prepare that fills the house with delicious aromas and makes for excellent leftovers that can be reinvented throughout the week. 

Strawberry banana birthday cake

Strawberry banana birthday cake

Ever since my flop-of-a-carrot cake birthday cake for my son last year, he’s been asking me to make him a strawberry-banana cake. Interesting flavor combination for a cake right? Well, who can blame a toddler for imagining up some of his favorite fruits into a 

Morning muffins

Morning muffins

As I mentioned in a previous post, we’ve had two breakfast staples in our house as of late: baked oatmeal and homemade muffins. Depending on what ingredients we have on hand, we make one or the other, and we change our muffin variety all the