Tag: vegan

Paleo banana bread

Paleo banana bread

As you will start to notice in my recent blog posts, I have been experimenting more with grain-free cooking and baking. I have found that as much as I love grains, my body tends to feel better when I eat less of them, so I 

Cauliflower gnocchi

Cauliflower gnocchi

I’m back! I know it’s been a minute since I last posted, but life has been, well….full. Full in the most positive sense, in that time has become one difficult-to-find and very precious thing. And full in the sense that I am continually being abundantly 

Fried cauli-rice

Fried cauli-rice

I’m usually not a big fan of substituting a main ingredient for a less-caloric alternative, but, when you’re trying to reduce the amount of grains in your diet, your options become limited. However, my fried “cauli-rice” more than well-satisfied my hankering for rice. Vegetables, such 

Vegan pesto

Vegan pesto

I love pesto! That fresh, herby, garlicy richness is a concoction made in heaven! But, of course, traditional pesto is made with a mountain of Parmesan cheese, so finding a tasty vegan pesto is not easy. And this is where I take creative liberty to 

Strawberry-rhubarb jam

Strawberry-rhubarb jam

We’ve been receiving rhubarb every week in our CSA share, and quite frankly, I hope the end to this season’s rhubarb crop is in near sight! There’s only so much you can do with rhubarb! For the first week’s CSA delivery we made balsamic-roasted rhubarb 

Bean and turnip stew

Bean and turnip stew

If a turnip were a grade school kid on the playground, he would be the last picked for the kickball team every time. Perhaps though it’s because he may look unassuming on the outside, but holds much potential deep within, if only he were given 

Quinoa salad and red chard

Quinoa salad and red chard

So, I know I haven’t blogged since my last AIP recipe. I guess I haven’t really made anything super new and exciting lately. I was so excited to get back into eating my usual staples, that I set aside my innovativeness for comfort. I’ve been 

AIP sweet potato gratin

AIP sweet potato gratin

So, I didn’t post last week, and this week’s post will probably be my last post about my AIP journey. I rushed through stage three and didn’t quite get through all of the basic foods to reintroduce before moving on to stage four. Then I 

AIP re-intros round 2

AIP re-intros round 2

A second round of food re-introductions is under my belt! I successfully welcomed back hemp seeds and almond butter into my life! Almond butter never tasted so good! You might start to recognize a pattern here, as everything I re-introduce tastes like heaven. I literally 

AIP week 4

AIP week 4

Another week crossed off my countdown on this autoimmune protocol, and again, another short blog post for this week. I started off somewhat strong on my journey, at least partially excited about some new foods and recipes to try, but the wheels are falling off