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Second trimester wins and woes

Second trimester wins and woes

I am already into the third trimester! Time is flying by! Sometimes these nine months can seem like they are dragging on, but as I look back and realize where I am today, the past six months have really flown by. I can say that 

Sweet & spicy wings

Sweet & spicy wings

My husband loves chicken wings. And he also loves the classic combination of sweet and spicy flavors. He’s part Thai, so he grew up with bold dishes boasting of sweet, sour, spicy, salty all in one bite. Oftentimes I struggle to create something for him 

First trimester wins and woes

First trimester wins and woes

Prior to even becoming pregnant, I had this master plan for when that day came to eat nothing but the highest quality foods and feed my growing baby all these extra nutritious vitamins and supplements. I would be in-utero Supermom before becoming actual Supermom. I 

Cacao thumbprint cookies with Christmas jam

Cacao thumbprint cookies with Christmas jam

Ahh, it’s that time of year again, the most wonderful time of the year! I don’t know about you, but growing up, we kept the tradition of baking Christmas cookies. My mom would set aside a weekend early in December to get all of her 

For this child we have prayed…

For this child we have prayed…

“Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.” Proverbs 13:12 There are so many scripture verses I have clung to for comfort, hope, and perseverance over the past several years, but this proverb has been a resounding gong 

Vanilla bean-pear baked oatmeal

Vanilla bean-pear baked oatmeal

I absolutely love oatmeal. I went through a phase a few years ago where I ate oatmeal for breakfast every morning, Monday through Sunday, all seasons of the year. No matter how hot it was in the summer time, it was oatmeal for breakfast. And 

Blueberry oat bars

Blueberry oat bars

I know it’s not berry season by any means, but there’s never a wrong time for a warm crumb cake fresh out of the oven. Blueberries happen to be one of my favorite fruits that’s almost even better when cooked down and caramelized. I don’t 

Cacao brownies

Cacao brownies

My husband and I have recently discovered brewed cacao beans. Cacao beans ground up and brewed just like coffee beans. Pure genius. Absolutely divine. I only wish we had come up with this idea years ago! It’s still kind of a new thing just emerging 

Fig & honey hand pies

Fig & honey hand pies

I admit, as a kid, I actually loved Pop-Tarts. I know, I know, this might sound shocking since I generally avoid processed foods like that, but as a child, my parents let my brother and I indulge in treats like Pop Tarts every so often. 

Lemon-herb rice salad

Lemon-herb rice salad

Do you have a dish that’s requested at every family gathering?….Let me re-phrase that, a dish that is requested of you for every social event? A dish you make so often, you could prepare it with your eyes closed? I certainly do! My lemon-herb rice